WoodenCRATES.org - The global online community for the wood shipping container industry!

Uline Shipping Supplies

Uline Shipping Supplies
2105 S Lakeside Dr
Waukegan, IL  60085-8308

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When we were looking for a way to introduce our new SCRAIL® fastener product to the crate manufacturing community, we were very pleased to find WoodenCRATES.org. We see it as being an excellent venue for bringing suppliers together with manufacturers in a way that will increase the strength of the market via education and relevant information about crating. We can directly see who's who in the industry, and introduce them to our extended line of pneumatic tools and collated fasteners specifically designed for crating applications. No other media gave us this type of access to get our message across like WoodenCRATES.org.
Brett McCutcheon
General Manager
BECK America